
Investing in Overseas Real Estate

The term “global marketplace” has never been more descriptive-particularly when it comes to real estate. There are numerous reasons why many of our clients invest in property overseas, including asset protection, portfolio diversification, retirement planning, privacy, and […]

Equity Stripping Real Property

If questions about asset protection in financially unsafe times are on your mind, you’re not alone. In addition to wondering “how do I protect my assets from lawsuits?” one primary area of concern has been the preservation of purchasing power in uncertain economic times, because […]

Protecting the Home without Homestead

Understanding How to Manage Risky Assets

If you are a doctor and you own a practice this is probably one of your riskiest assets. What about your office building? How about real estate? If your office building or real estate have equity or are completely paid […]

Asset Protection in Divorce

As you might imagine, I get this question all the time! The answer is – it depends.

Generally asset protection refers to situations where individuals or married couples are seeking to protect their assets and property from third parties, such as creditors and potential lawsuits. In […]

Pouring into a Revocable Living Trust



Feel free to contact our office now, or at any time during this course to get an analysis with our in-house Asset Protection Attorney or Analyst, please contact Kitty Lucarini at 1 (800) 231-7112 to schedule the phone […]

Funding Your Asset Protection Plan

Tips for Funding Your Asset Protection Plan

We’ve had a lot of interesting call lately regarding unfunded asset protection plans. An asset protection plan–a Family Limited Partnership combined with an International Wealth Management Trust–is only useful for protection against creditors if there are actually assets titled […]

Foreign Bank Accounts



Feel free to contact our office now, or at any time during this course to get an analysis with our in-house Asset Protection Attorney or Analyst, please contact Kitty Lucarini at 1 (800) 231-7112 to schedule the phone […]

Protecting a Risky Business

As asset protection advisors, we sometimes find that professionals and small-business owners tend to underestimate their potential for getting sued. For instance, it’s common to come across a woman who runs a home-based baby clothes business who thinks she is not really at risk of […]

Safe vs. Risky Assets

The worst mistake when creating an asset protection plan is to mix safe and risky assets. For example, if we were to create an LLC we wouldn’t put your rental real estate property in there with a bunch of cash. If something happens to the […]

Domestic Asset Protection Trusts

There is a lot of confusion about this subject. First let me define domestic asset protection. Domestic AP is any form of protection that relies on the laws of the United States for its ultimate security. This begins with the simple bankruptcy exemptions which are […]

Tax Implications of Asset Protection

There is a frequent misconception that anything to do with asset protection must inevitably involve higher taxes, increased IRS scrutiny and other undesirable situations. Nothing could be further from the truth. Asset protection is not illegal, but should not be considered as a means of […]

Filing Offshore Trusts – Belize First

There’s more to Belize than the Barrier Reef and Mayan ruins. This country formerly known as the British Honduras, has aggressively promoted its offshore financial services sectors, including asset protection trusts.

For one, the country has a well-established judicial framework that follows English common law. That […]

Springable vs. Triggered Plans



Feel free to contact our office now, or at any time during this course to get an analysis with our in-house Asset Protection Attorney or Analyst, please contact Kitty Lucarini at 1 (800) 231-7112 to schedule […]

Offshore Trustee Checks & Balances

I am often asked what happens when the Trust does need to actually remove the assets from both the U.S. jurisdiction, and the control of the clients. How can a client be sure that the new foreign Trustee doesn’t run away with the money should […]

Offshore Asset Protection Trust

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Asset Protection Trusts Definition

To understand what an Asset Protection Trust is, and how it works we must first look at the concept of a Trust itself. In the most basic terms: “A Trust is a legal relationship in which one person (Grantor) […]

Charging Order Protection Limitations

Charging Order Plus: Another Layer of Asset Protection

In some states, limited liability companies (“LLCs”) and family limited partnerships are protected by charging order statutes. A charging order is a judicial remedy that can be used by a creditor to collect from a debtor who owns […]

Best Jurisdiction for Ltd. Partnerships

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Does Jurisdiction Matter?

There is no doubt that jurisdiction matters a great deal. This is particularly true for common estate and asset protection planning tools such as Limited Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies. The reason jurisdiction matters so much is because it is […]

FLP vs. LLC – What’s the Difference?

Compared to the Family Limited Partnership (FLP), the Limited Liability Company (LLC) is the relative newcomer to the field. LLC’s began in the 1970′s in Wyoming and Florida. They create a corporate structure, and give the benefits of a corporation without the downside of double […]

Limited Liability Company

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What is a Limited Liability Company

Limited Liability Companies are the relative newcomer to the field of corporate entities. The LLC first began in Wyoming and Florida in the 1970’s. The purpose was to create a corporate structure, […]

Family Limited Partnership

What are Family Limited Partnerships?

An Family Limited Partnership (FLP) is a legal entity known as a Limited Partnership. While the Limited Partnership has been around for over 100 years, they became popular in the 1980’s when many real estate developers and investors began using this […]

Asset Protection Myths and Benefits

A One Time Net Worth Insurance Fee

Unlike liability insurance, asset protection insures the asset itself. In fact it protects assets that some insurances can’t even cover. It is also very inexpensive per dollar covered compared to Insurance.

Minimal Disruptions to Business From Potential Litigation

During unforeseen circumstances […]

Fraudulent Conveyance

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Topics & Questions Covered

  • What is fraudulent conveyance?
  • Conveyance is mental intent, or a state of mind, not a crime.
  • Conveyance is a remedy statute.
  • Can you do asset protection if I have creditors?

Feel free to contact our office now, or […]

Legal Concepts of Asset Protection

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Topics & Questions Covered

  • If you understand the corporate shield you can understand how asset protection works.
  • Asset protection is a personal shield.
  • The main domestic tool is the Limited Partnership in Arizona, Nevada, or Delaware.
  • The key of the asset […]

The Legal System Supports Lawsuits

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Topics & Questions Covered

  • The 4 Pillars – Contingent Fees, Attorney Advertising, Ethical Rules, Court Attitudes
  • How the Ethics of the Legal System Has Changed
  • Frivolous Lawsuits are Legal Extortion
  • Why the Legal System is Broken

Feel free to contact our office […]

Asset Protection You Already Have

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Topics & Questions Covered

  • What asset protection do I already have?
  • IRA’s & defined benefit plans are already protection.
  • Bankruptcy exemptions, homestead, pensions, other assets insurance.
  • If you have anything outside of the above asset protected tools, then you really need […]

What is Asset Protection?

What does Asset Protection Really Mean? How does it Work? What are the things I find on the Internet? What gets me in trouble? How does on retain ownership and control of assets with proper planning. Irrevocable Trust – is it the solution? Asset protection is tax neutral when done right. Asset protection is not based on secrecy. Asset protection is not unethical. Asset protection cannot be done as a blatant fraudulent conveyance, or in the face of a lawsuit.

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